Teen Mental Health Virtual Event – May 26

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) and Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH) are proud to announce a virtual event: Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Well-being of Teens & What Do They Need To Do Well? This opportunity will focus on how we can support our teenage children in the time of COVID-19, […]

Community Voice: Our Next Director of Education

This message is posted on behalf of the Board of Trustees The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) serves the community of Waterloo Region, and we want you to have a voice as we work to determine who will be our next Director of Education. The WRDSB Board of Trustees has retained Joan M. Green […]

#StrongerTogether: Education Week

Each year, Education Week (May 3-7) provides us with an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the incredible work that happens in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) every day and all that public education offers to our students – each and every one. For 2021, Ontario’s Education Week theme is #StrongerTogether. Building on the […]

Riding the Waves of Big Emotions | Caring/Coping/Connecting

The newest edition of Caring/Coping/Connecting focuses on how to support your children when they are experiencing big emotions, like anger, sadness, or anxiety. Imagine that your child comes home from school and says “no one likes me”, or they stare at their school project and yell “I can’t do this!”, or you tell them to […]

Secondary Remote Learning Course Offerings for 2021-2022

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) announced on April 26th that we will be offering a remote learning program for 2021-2022. Families are required to indicate their intention to enroll in this program by May 3rd at 4pm using the Remote Learning Request Form. The following remote program course offering information is important for […]

Lunch and Learn Sessions for Parents and Caregivers in May

As part of our ongoing efforts to support WRDSB parents, caregivers and families, our psychology staff are offering a number of lunch and learn sessions for WRDSB parents, caregivers and family members. These webinars, scheduled over the lunch hour every Wednesday, aim to equip parents with useful tips and information to assist them in supporting […]

September 2021: Welcoming Back Our Students

In-Person Learning or Remote Learning? Making an important choice for the 2021-2022 school year The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is excited to welcome students and staff back to school in September 2021. The following information is important for families to review as you make the important decision about the mode of learning for […]

Caring for a Child Who Needs to Self-Isolate

This fact sheet, created by Public Health Ontario, provides advice to parents and caregivers of children who need to self-isolate at home. This may include a child who has COVID-19, has symptoms of COVID-19, or has a known exposure to COVID-19. Some measures may not be possible or practical for all families. View this document […]

Happy Administrative Professionals’ Day

Today, April 21, marks Administrative Professionals’ Day – a time to celebrate and highlight administrative professionals’ dedication and their important role in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB). From our schools to the Education Centre, these individuals play a vital role in supporting our students and staff, each and every day. As with our […]

Transition to Full Remote Learning on April 19

Further to our announcement earlier this week regarding our return to remote learning on April 19, we wanted to provide more information to students and families about what they can expect. Elementary In-Person Students Elementary school students, previously attending school in-person, will now engage in remote learning beginning on Monday, April 19, 2021. Starting back […]

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