The Laurel Creek Outdoor Education Centre has surpassed last year’s maple syrup production already, and we have tanks of sap yet to boil. In a normal syrup season (March 1-April 10-ish). we usually produce 150 litres of syrup. Last year was our worst year ever with only 58 litres made.  So far this spring we have made 60 litres. As long as we keep getting sub-zero temperatures, when the temperature pops above freezing the sap will run. Once it stays above freezing for a few days in a row, we are usually done. The tree starts to use its sugar to make leaves, the sugar content in the sap drops, and the sap tastes bad. Pretty good weather for the classes visiting so far, but they are calling for some snow on Wednesday. A lot of parents are saying the weather is wonky this year, but it seems pretty standard for March. Last year at this time the temperatures were warm for several days in a row and sap flows fizzled out.