In 2013, I found a blandings turtle at Laurel Creek. You can read about that turtle day here:

It was pretty exciting because blandings turtles are listed as “threatened” on the list of species at risk in Ontario. They are tricky to find. Last year, staff of the Grand River Conservation Authority found another, or perhaps the same one at Laurel Creek. You can read about blandings turtles here:

Today I found another one walking across a path at Laurel Creek! I took a bunch of photos. Outdoor Ed. Guy, Al, took a lot of pictures of the 2013 turtle. Perhaps we can figure out if it was the same one.

Female blandings turtles go wandering about in the spring looking for a sandy or gravel-y spot to lay eggs. This one is a female. Blandings turtles are distinguished by their yellow chins, which this one would not let me photograph. Their shells are described as being shaped like army helmets, which seems to me like a pretty accurate description.


See you next year!IMG_0284