The video Sean has been getting with his trail camera is fantastic.  He has inspired me to put mine out too.  I don’t want this to be a competition… I just think it will be fun to see what we can get on camera with a couple more of these things in the field.

Last year I saw Coyote tracks on the Trail behind Wrigley Corners almost every day.  However, in November the local Coyote was hit by a car and there have been no tracks for several months.  About a week ago I started seeing urine in spots along the trail and fresh Coyote tracks.  I assumed it was a young male claiming a vacant territory.  Coyote are pretty active this time of year because in Southern Ontario they breed in February.  There have been a bunch of Coyote sightings in Waterloo Region lately largely for this reason.

Coyote Urine

Coyote Urine

I’ve been reluctant to put up my camera on the trial as it is a public place (lots of people walk their dogs here) and I didn’t want my camera to walk away.  However, I’ve wanted pictures of the Wrigley Coyote for a long time so… I found a way to add some chains and deployed the camera for a few days.

[wpvideo sRDCi9FD]

What surprised me was how aware the Coyotes were of the trail camera.  It is a tiny box strapped to a tree, yet these animals were very cautious.

I hope that this is a breeding pair of Coyote.  I will follow the tracks sometime soon and get a better sense for their territory and try to find another spot where I can get more video of these beautiful wild creatures.