Movement Monday: GoNoodle!

Today is movement day! Get up, dance, jump around, stretch, do push-ups, bounce a ball, whatever gets you moving is perfect!

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Growing Patterns

Create a growing pattern and ask your child to explain how the pattern grows. For example, he or she might explain, “You add 1 more penny on the bottom each time” or “The pattern is adding 1 each time.”

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Frac-Tangle Puzzles

How many different grid paper rectangles can you create (and colour) that satisfy these puzzle conditions?

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Update for Families: Supporting Student Learning

As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, families and students will be provided with a weekly communication from the WRDSB that provides an update on the past week’s activities and an overview of the goals for the upcoming week. Our hope is that regular communication will reduce the understandable anxiety students and families may […]

Publicité sur la santé et la sécurité au sujet de COVID19

Regarde cette vidéo d’art. Maintenant, tu peux créer une affiche pour ta famille et tes amis sur les mesures de santé et de sécurité à prendre en réponse à COVID19.

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Field Trip Friday: Animals

Animals positively impact our emotional well-being. Think of your own furry friend or a time you’ve been around an animal that made you happy! How about a virtual trip to the zoo?

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Ecrire une carte de souhait!

When times are challenging it’s nice to do something nice for someone else!

Read more about Ecrire une carte de souhait! »

Fun Friday: Target Games

Goal: to have FUN while practising aiming and accurately sending an object to a target, different distances away.

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Tables and Chairs

Learning Goals: Predict terms in a pattern, Develop and apply reasoning skills to make and test math predictions, Communicate mathematical thinking orally and visually.

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Math is Beautiful

Many artists use geometric shapes in their work. The paintings in the image above are by an artist named Piet Mondrian who often used rectangles in his art.

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