A target with an arrow in the bullseye.

Skill Development: Targeting a Specific Skill

Today is Games Day! Let’s try some target games.

Goal: to have FUN while practising aiming and accurately sending an object to a target, different distances away.

Create your own active game or try one of the ones below:
Trash can with crumpled paper in and around it.

  • “Trash Can” Basketball
    • Set up a basket (e.g. empty, clean, trash can, container, laundry basket, bin)
    • Grab a couple of small, soft objects to toss into the “basket” (e.g., beanbags, small stuffed toys, a rolled up sock, beachball)
    • Make a start line, a reasonable distance away from the target (basket)
    • CHALLENGE:  Shoot from the closest spot (slam dunk) for 1 point.  Shoot from the medium spot for 2 points. Shoot from the farthest spot for 3 points.  How many 3 points can you get in a certain period of time?

LEGO 1x1 blocks stacked for knocking down.

  • Knock Down “Bowling”
    • Set up targets (e.g., water bottles, toy blocks, Lego, tower of toilet paper rolls) that is a reasonable and safe distance away from walls and other obstacles. Make it challenging for yourself!
    • Grab a small, soft object to roll, throw, or kick (e.g., beanbags, small stuffed toys, a rolled up sock, beachball) at the targets.
    • Try to knock down all the objects in a certain number of throws.
    • CHALLENGE: Can you knock down the objects in fewer throws? Can you Increase the distance?  What about trying smaller target objects?

Challenge yourself! Beat your own score!
Challenge a family member, or a friend (virtually)

Target image-labeled for noncommercial re-use
Photos from pexels.com