Skill Development: Targeting a specific skill

For “Target-a-Skill” Tuesday, we are working on our dribbling. In sports, dribbling is the way players manoeuvre a ball on their own. It is important to learn how to effectively dribble, so you have control of the ball while moving to avoid defenders.

In basketball, dribbling is when you bounce the ball continuously with one hand while you walk, run, or stand in one spot.

How to Dribble a Basketball

Follow along with Paul George, NBA star of the Los Angeles Clippers

  • boy dribbling, bouncing a basketball with another boy defendingTo practice dribbling, all you need is a bouncy ball that is an appropriate size for your hand. Use all five of your fingers to bounce the ball.
    • Try with your right hand, left hand, different heights and different speeds.
    • Set up some cones or markers and try bouncing the ball while weaving through the cones.
    • Challenge a family member to knock the ball away from you as you dribble.
    • Hint: The lower you are to the ground, the harder it is for someone to knock the ball away from you.

In soccer, you use your feet to dribble by tapping the ball gently, nudging it along, or using short quick changes of feet.

How to Dribble a Soccer Ball

Learn how to Dribble a Soccer ball like a professional soccer player

  • girl with soccer ball slightly in front of her as she moves to dribble it, boy with soccer ball on the outside of his foot to dribble itPractice your dribbling using any medium size ball. Use the inside of your foot, the outside of your foot, move the ball forward, move it to the side, and try to change up your speed as you dribble.
    • Set up some cones and dribble through them, trying not to lose control of the ball.
    • Challenge someone in your home to a race.
  • Want to see what this race could look like? Check out this link from CIRA Ontario, Dribble Race.