Photograph of person balancing on a cement beam.Skill Development: Targeting a Specific Skill

Developing good balance is an essential skill that is often ignored or overlooked by many. Regardless of age, balance and stability exercises are essential skills for staying fit and are easily improved with time and practice. Good balance helps prevent injury, keeps joints in proper alignment, and gives an advantage when it comes to playing sports,” (Jordan Metzl, a doctor of sports medicine and the author of The Young Athlete.

Through simple balance games or challenges, we can activate our muscles to improve our balance

1. Balance Beam

  • Depending on age and ability, make a line on the floor or ground with tape or chalk to use as a balance beam for younger children. You can even use a garden hose to make it a wavy path to walk along. A log, or a plank of wood balanced between two stronger objects to give some height off the ground is a good idea for older children.


  • Try to walk along the beam without stepping off. Can you walk along a wavy path?
  • Try balancing something on your head (e.g., a bean bag, a face towel tied with a hairband, or a small stuffed toy, etc..) and walking the beam again. Can you walk faster and keep it on your head? Can you add a little hop? Is it still on your head?

2. Balance on One Foot (Flamingo Stand)

  • Start with one hand touching the wall, lift one foot up off the ground, then remove your hand from the wall.


  • Can you stand on one foot for a minute? What about the other foot?
  • Try to balance on one foot with your eyes closed (it is significantly harder).
  • Stand on a pillow and try these same challenges. What about standing on two pillows for added height?
  • Can you balance on one foot and toss a balloon or soft ball in the air and catch it?
  • Have someone drop a light napkin or cloth over your foot that is in the air. Can you pick up the cloth and maintain your balance?

3. Make up your own balance challenge.

Need some inspiration? Check out these videos for ideas:

OPHEA #DPAChallenge

Balance Training Exercises

Poses for Brilliant Balance