A display of a variety of multi-coloured scarves, tied in a knot across three bars and hanging down.Skill Development: Targeting a Specific Skill

A fun way to practice our throwing and catching is through games and fun activities. Scarf Juggling is a simple and fun way to improve our hand-eye coordination, as well as improve our throwing and catching skills.

Daily physical activity is important for everyone, but especially children and youth (ages 6-14). Health Canada suggests that children should be working up to 90 minutes of activity per day (60 minutes of moderate level activities like walking, playing, active games, or household chores, and 30 minutes of vigorous activity like soccer or running). So, let’s get moving!

What you will need:

  • a scarf, or any piece of material such as a dinner napkin, pillow case, ribbon, etc.,

How to Scarf Juggle:

For young children

Practice tossing the scarf to them and have them catch the scarf with one hand, their other hand and both hands. Alternatively, the child can toss a scarf up in the air on their own, with one hand and catch it with the other. (Adapted from: https://fitkidshealthykids.ca/node/218)

How to Scarf Juggle:

For older elementary children

  1. Pinch the scarf in the middle and let the rest of the scarf hang down.
  2. Raise your arm across your body and throw the scarf as high as it will go.
  3. With your other arm, catch the scarf palm down in front of your body below the waist. The scarf makes a figure eight pattern.
  4. Throw across, catch down, throw across, catch down.
  5. With a scarf in each hand, toss the first one across and when it gets to the top, look at it briefly and throw the second scarf across the body in the opposite direction. The scarves will make an “X” as they cross in front.
  6. With both scarves in the air, catch the first scarf straight down in front and then catch the second one in front with the other hand. The first one thrown will be the first one caught, but caught with the opposite hand.
  7. Try to establish an even rhythm with the two scarves.

Challenge: Try juggling with three scarves

Adapted from: DPA School Handbook for Grades 1 to 9, p.52