
© Photo by Ernest Ojeh on Unsplash

You can view other examples by using Google to search for “artists who use geometric shapes” or “Mondrian art”, “Kandinsky art” or “Delaunay art”.

Students will be creating their own art by tracing geometric shapes on to paper and then colouring them.

Materials Needed:

  • paper, pencil, crayons or pencil crayons,
  • thin cardboard (e.g., cereal or cracker box)
  • scissors


  1. Cut out 5 identical rectangles from the thin cardboard.
  2. Leave the first rectangle as it is.
  3. Cut the remaining 4 rectangles as illustrated by the dotted lines below to create cardboard rectangle and triangle templates.
  4. Students can use the cardboard shapes to trace on to paper to create their geometric artwork.
  5. After they have traced their shapes they can add colour.