
Picture frames of different colours and sizes leaning against a wallPerimeter is a measure of the distance around a shape.


  • pieces of string or ribbon cut to match the perimeter of a few objects of different sizes in your home (e.g, cup, picture, container, table or chair leg, book, chair seat etc.)
  • one piece string or ribbon cut 10cm long
  • one piece of paper cut to 20cm x 25cm
  • paper, pencil

1. Select one of your pieces of string/ribbon you cut and the matching object. Talk to your child about the meaning of perimeter and show how the string measures the perimeter of the object.

Ask your child to try to match the pieces of string/ribbon that you cut to each of the other objects.

2. Show your child the piece of paper you cut (20cm X 25cm). Ask “If you needed to make a frame for a picture that was this size, how big should the frame be?”

When they ask for something to measure with, tell them all you have is this 10cm piece of string. and ask them to figure out how big the frame should be.

Possible Questions:

What will you need to know to make a frame for a picture this size?
If the string isn’t long enough what could you do?
If the string is 10cm long how long would half of the string be?
How long will the frame be?
How wide will the frame be?
If you put all the pieces of the frame together in a line, how long would it be?