
Patterns, Patterns Everywhere

  1. Help your child create the following repeating pattern using buttons or any small objects.
    A pattern of two blue buttons, three purple buttons and one yellow button. Repeats once.
  2. Have your child continue the repeating pattern by placing more buttons or small objects to the right.
  3. Cover part of the pattern with your hand or paper and ask your child what is hidden.

Source: Mathies, Home Connections

Pattern Hunt

  1. Take a picture of a pattern from inside your home. (windows, floor/wall tiles, fabric, etc.)
  2. Share the picture and see if your child can describe the pattern and then find it.
  3. Have your child find another pattern in your home and take a picture or make a sketch or describe their pattern. See if you can find their pattern.
  4. Go for a walk outside and share the patterns you see.