Shining a Spotlight

Read an image and determine important information. Synthesize background knowledge with new learning.

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Reading Recipes

Read recipes and find one to make. Work with your parents or caregiver to make your chosen recipe.

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Les Sports

Aujourd’hui tu vas regarder un clip d’une émission du programme ONIVA! Les Sports produit par Radio-Canada.

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Tell All About It!

Think with your child about the stories they have read this past week, or that you have read together. Is there a favourite? What was a favourite part of the story? Tell your child about your favourite part of a story.

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Fraction Track

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) brings us another fun game: Fraction Track! This game requires Flash to be enabled in your browser.

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Aujourd’hui tu vas regarder un clip d’une vidéo Astérix: Les Douze Travaux d’Astérix : Le Repas Des Titans. Astérix est un personnage bien connu de “la BD” à France. La BD (qui veut dire “les bandes dessinées”) est un genre de texte visuel qui inclut les mots et les images. La BD existait depuis des décennies. Ca fait une partie importante de la culture française. As-tu déjà lu ou vu de la BD française? Qu’en pense-tu? L’aimes-tu? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?

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Thumbs Up for Hopscotch!

Did you know? Kids have been playing hopscotch since the 1600s! This game is an “oldie”, but a “goodie”.

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Un moment de réfléxion

Réfléchis à ta vie et ta routine quotidienne avant la pandémie.

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Fraction WAR – Adding and Subtracting

Cut the squares to make one deck: This game could be used for either subtraction or addition

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The Product Game

This is a game played in partners. Two players share one gameboard. (The online version can be played independently against a computer opponent)

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