Bop-It Challenge for Fun Friday

The at-home “Bop-It” Challenge! All you need is a piece of scrap paper that you crumple tightly into a ball and your hands.

Creative Challenges and Games

For our final challenges and games day of the year, you will have a choice of three different activities! Depending on your mood, your energy level today, or your interest, pick an activity that motivates you!

Cup Stacking Challenge for Fun Friday

Our Friday Fun Challenge is a Cup Stacking Challenge! Did you know that there is a World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA)?

Pillow Fun for Fun Friday

Everybody loves pillows! There are many challenges and fun games you can play with just a pillow or two.

Laundry Basket Games, for Fun Friday

For these fun games and challenges, all you will need is a laundry basket (or two) and either a small ball, sock ball, or frisbee.

The Shoe Challenge

It is Fun Friday! Here is your challenge, should you choose to accept it. All you will need is a shoe, any shoe will do!

Tic-Tac-Toe Frisbee for Fun Friday

For today’s Fun Friday, let’s play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe Frisbee. No frisbee? No problem? A plastic lid from a container will do, or a plastic toy ring, a bean bag, or even a rolled-up sock ball, anything that can be tossed will work.

Tap the Colour Challenge for Fun Friday

This fun challenge exercises both your mind and your body!

Broomstick Challenge for Fun Friday

Today’s Fun Friday challenge requires very little materials and is good for the whole family.

Balloon Fun for Wacky Wednesday!

Balloons are fun for kids and great for playing indoors. If you don’t have a balloon, you can use some recycled paper rolled into a ball, or a beach ball (if you are outside, or have a large enough empty space).

Squirrels vs Dogs Challenge!

This is a fun challenge to get you outside and moving. Other variations, if you can’t get outside, are also included (i.e from your window). Challenge yourself, or challenge a family member.

Wacky Wednesday’s Sock Challenge

Today’s fun physical activity requires minimal materials (two pairs of rolled-up socks) and no prior experience!

Whimsical Wednesday: Obstacle Course

To build an obstacle course, indoors or outdoors, that requires some kind of specific movement to get through the course, or a combination of movements, such as, running, hopping, jumping, balancing something on your head, doing the crab walk or bear walk, and so on.