30 minutes
Things you need:
- a clear surface
- a mat
- tight-fitting clothes
Go through each of these poses, hold each pose for 1 minute. After one complete round take a break and start again.
Complete 5 rounds!
From top-left, moving clockwise:
Sitting Pose
- Sit cross-legged on the floor.
- Bring both of your arms up and join them above your head.
- Stay still in this pose.
- Focus on your breath.
Standing Balance Pose
- Stand straight, wiggle your toes and straighten them on the floor.
- Bend your left knee and bring your left foot high onto your inner right thigh. (switch between left and right foot)
- Stay still in this pose.
- Focus on your breath.
Easy Pose
- Sit cross-legged on the floor.
- Stretch both of the arms out, facing the palms up.
- Let your thumb touch your middle finger.
- Stay still in this pose
- Focus on your breath
Crescent Lunge
- Stand straight
- Take a step forward, bend your knee.
- Rotate your upper body to be in a straight line with your bent knee.
- Lean your head backwards.
- Extend both your arms above your head.
- Lower the knee of the back leg and hold.
- Stay still in this pose.
- Focus on your breath.
Warrior Pose
- Stand straight.
- Take a big step forward with your left (or right) foot, bend your knee.
- Rotate your upper body to be in a straight line with your bent knee
- Extend your arms up in a straight line.
- Stay still in this pose.
- Focus on your breath.
- What pose was easy for you?
- Which part of your body was more flexible?
Categories: Elementary · Learning