A circle of arrows
Let’s keep our bodies healthy by creating an exercise circuit in your house. Try these activities or make up your own. Do one set of each and then repeat that 3 more times. Don’t forget to have some water when you finish.

Step One:

Stand at the bottom of a staircase. Using your right leg first, step up then down 10 times, and then do the same with your left leg first. Remember to face the stairs.

Step Two:

If the weather permits, do 10 back and forth laps of your driveway. If it’s slippery, find a spot in the house to run on the spot for 1 minute.

Step Three:

Lay down on a carpet or even your bed. Grab your legs and tuck them in. Curl into a ball, then stretch them back. Point your toes and reach over your head as high as you can go.

Do this three times more. Can you think of another activity you could add on to the next circuit? Challenge yourself!