
You can decide to go slow or fast to complete your 1000 steps.

Things you need:

  • Running shoes
  • Permission from your caregivers or parents


Lace up your shoes and give it a try. You can go outside for a walk with an adult or you can walk inside and keep counting.

  • Start walking at your regular pace
  • Count to 50
  • Stop take a breath
  • Start walking at a faster pace (brisk walking)
  • Count to 50
  • Stop take a breath
  • Start slow jogging for a bit
  • Count to 50
  • Stop take a breath
  • Repeat for 10 times

If you are inside you don’t have to jog you can just run on the spot


  • How long did it take you to complete 1000 steps?
  • Count your heartbeat. How many times is your heart beating? Record your heartbeat.