An icon representing the internet.Media: Prompts


  • Read, view and respond to digital media
  • Become a critical user of internet information

It is recommended that you view the videos in this lesson with your parents, so you can talk together about using the internet responsibly.

The internet is a great source of information and a tool that can help us learn. There are many fun ways to learn and explore information on the internet. Sometimes, the stories we read or videos we watch can be confusing, or even frightening. The internet also contains information that is untrue or misleading. How can you tell if what you are viewing or reading is real?

With your family, watch these videos to learn about how to deal with challenging news stories and how to recognize ‘fake news’:

Dealing with sad or scary news

Recognizing ‘fake news’

As a family, talk about:

  • when and why you should access the internet during the summer months,
  • what you should do if you ever feel uncomfortable or upset about something you see or read on the internet.

Other Opportunities: