

  • critically examine a media sample and determine important ideas
  • produce a media image to communicate a ‘big idea’

The Learning Task

You have spent two days examining a media sample and brainstorming possible words and images to create your own image: Unlearning For A Better World, Unlearning For A Better World: Day Two.

You have an authentic purpose for the work that you are engaging in right now. Review the guidelines of the UN-competition. What is the important information that you need to know to create and submit your own design? (Please note that the submission date of June 12, 2020 has been extended).

Draw, or create, a media image that follows the Unlearn criteria to submit to the Un-competition if you choose.

Daily task! Don’t forget to engage with your Writer’s Notebook: Creating a Place for Reflection

Note: please see the information in this lesson for guidance.