Palindromic Numbers Exploration

A palindrome is a word that is the same when it is read forwards and backwards, like racecar. Numbers can also be palindromic, if they are the same when read forwards and backwards, like 4554.

Digital Roots Exploration

The digital root of a number is the result you get if you add up its digits, then add up the digits of that result, and so on, until you end up with a single digit.

Secret Codes Exploration

Andrea wants to send secret messages to her friends. She creates a grid and fills it with the letters of the alphabet in order. She uses letters to identify the columns of the grid and numbers to identify the rows of the grid. Then she sends a message by using the positions of the letters and spaces in the grid.

Sums and Products Exploration

First, find a set of whole numbers that add together to make 15. Next, multiply all the numbers in the set together.

Consecutive Numbers Exploration

Build a deeper understanding of the multiplication operation, Make predictions related to patterns, Develop and apply reasoning skills to make and test math predictions.

Math Art Challenge: Sierpinski Triangles

Creating a Sierpinski Triangle is simple, but results in a beautiful, symmetrical work of art!

Digital Clock Digits

On a digital clock showing 12-hour time, over an entire day, can you figure out how many times the digit 5 appears?

Counting Letters Exploration

Pick a random number to start, then write out that number in words.

One Hundred Dollar Words

Using this conversion table, we can find the total value of certain words!

The Product Game

This is a game played in partners. Two players share one gameboard. (The online version can be played independently against a computer opponent)

The Remainders Game

Build a deeper understanding of the division operation and remainders. Divide using a variety of tools and strategies.

Head-to-Head Rectangulation

Learning Goals: Build a deeper understanding of the multiplication operation, Multiply using a variety of strategies (including mental strategies), Communicate mathematical thinking orally and visually

The 1-10 Card Investigation

Learning goals Develop and apply problem-solving strategies through investigations Develop and apply reasoning skills to make and test math predictions Communicate mathematical thinking orally and visually