Explorations and Games

Learning Goals:

  • Solve problems involving the addition of multi-digit whole numbers
  • Communicate mathematical thinking orally and visually

The Challenge:

Examine the following chart:

Conversion Table

A = $1.00 B = $2.00 C = $3.00 D = $4.00 E = $5.00 F = $6.00
G = $7.00 H = $8.00 I = $9.00 J = $10.00 K = $11.00 L = $12.00
M = $13.00 N = $14.00 O = $15.00 P = $16.00 Q = $17.00 R = $18.00
S = $19.00 T = $20.00 U = $21.00 V = $22.00 W = $23.00 X = $24.00
Y = $25.00 Z = $26.00

Using this conversion table, we can find the total value of certain words!
For example, MATH = 13 + 1 + 20 + 8, so it has a total value of $42.

Who in your family has the most expensive name?
Can you find another word that has the same value as your name?
**How many words can you find that are worth exactly one hundred dollars?

Questions and Prompts to Support your Child:

  • What strategy did you use to add the numbers?
  • What have you tried so far? What could we try together?

Extensions & Adaptations:

  • If struggling with calculations, have a calculator handy!
  • If unable to find a hundred dollar word, invent a nonsense word that is worth $100 instead! Once you do, come up with a definition for that word!
  • Is it possible to write a sentence using only $100 words?

Source: Kent Haines – Games for Young Minds