More from LBP Grade 7’s at Blair

Blair outdoor education Centre Today 7FC from Lester B Pearson got to visit Mr Rasberry at Blair outdoor education centre. Once we got there we got to go in to his class room, his class room is not like any other class room. Every where you look there are dead stuffed animals hanging around. Today […]

LBP At Blair OEE

Today Lester B Person students 7B went to Blair outdoor Ed centre. Inside we met the wonderful Mr Rasberry who brought us on this outstanding roller coaster of education. This ride included catching organisms in the stream at Blair outdoor Ed centre. We caught lots of organisms but our favourite catch was the cray fish. […]


The sap began dripping today, about 3-4 weeks later than usual.  It has been a looooong, cold winter and the trees are taking their time waking up : ) I have had some photo ideas floating around in my head, so tonight as the sun was at the horizon, I headed out to the bush […]

Tap Dance

We finished tapping the maple trees at Laurel Creek on Monday with my friend Fire-Todd and a few kids on March Break. It is hard slogging in the bush this year with all the snow. Everyone keeps asking if the long winter will affect the sap flow. We had a good growing season last year, […]

Signs of Spring

Yesterday I saw my first fly of the year, warming itself on the outside wall of the centre.  Today I saw 3 chipmunks, a couple of flies, heard the songs of Brown Creeper, White-breasted Nuthatch, Black-capped Chickadee, Horned Lark, and American Goldfinch.  Woodpeckers have been drumming for over a month now, but very frequently today.  […]

Midnight Rink

Taken at Southridge Public School. Great year for the rink…

Great video for your ecosystems / biodiversity unit

American Tree Sparrow

These days when I arrive at Blair in the morning, I find the tree sparrows foraging among yesterday’s leftovers at the feeders.  The American tree sparrow is a winter visitor to southern Ontario, returning to the far north to nest in spring.  The highest concentration of nesting records in the province is along the shore […]

Breakfast at Blair

Mr. Gill’s class from Woodland Park P.S. was visiting the Blair OEE Centre for Winter Bird Studies today as part of their Habitat and Communities unit .  We were set to begin some bird identification outside at the feeders, but there were no birds to be seen.  Mr. Gill said “there’s one big one on […]

Welcome back Guy!

On Sunday a group from the Kitchener-Waterloo Field Naturalists descended on Wrigley Corners to feed some Chickadees and band with me.  Feeding at the Dickson was cold but productive.  We decided to do the bird banding at Wrigley’s where everyone could hangout inside where it’s warm.   While feeding the Chickadee’s we noticed that Jeff […]

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