Heat exhaustion

Although my last post commented on how cool October seemed to have been, apparently our low temperatures weren’t that cool. The University of Waterloo weather station reports that our nighttime lows were two degrees above the long-term average. For Waterloo, that made October the 19th month in a row with above average temperatures. The U.S. National […]

Ice on golden pond

What a surprise today! There is a thin layer of ice on golden pond which is the first time I’ve ever seen it. I think everyone is having more fun because of it.we have a small group of twelve here today because it’s also take your kid to work day. There is still an entire […]

Climate Change Political Advertisement

I haven’t seen the environment discussed at all in the American election campaign, but here is a political ad from an organization called climatesilence.org. It’s a pretty effective ad, but does it go too far? Discuss. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZENtH3psXl4]

The Animals Came Two by Two

According to Environment Canada, Kitchener-Waterloo received 140 mm of rain in October.  This is about the same amount of rain that fell in January, February, March, April and May combined. May of this year only had 11 mm in total. Although Environment Canada shows no precipitation yesterday, we had some drizzle out here at Laurel Creek. Including today’s […]

Look who dropped in…

A flock of pine siskins dropped in at the Blair feeders today enroute from their northern conifer forest homes to some southerly destination.  The conifer seed crop is said to be very poor this fall, so many siskins will head south in search of food.  They are very nomadic and will stay on the move […]

Special Weather Bulletin…

Friday, November 2, 2012 8:52 AM Blair Outdoor and Environmental Education Centre Snowflakes!!   Revised Bulletin… 8:53 AM Snow ended

Mrs. Mattesich commented that she is pleased to see that people have read the entries posted by her students last week.  She might be surprised to see the following statistics for the outdooredguys blog… In total 14, 275 have visited the outdooredguys blog. 44 people read our blog on the day your entry was posted, […]

Food, Water, Shelter, Space…

Since the creation of the “outdooredguys” blog almost two years ago we’ve encouraged students to become contributers, and they’ve come through on on several occasions – most notably Earth Day 2011.  This past week a grade 4 class from Brigadoon P.S. visited the Blair OEE Centre to study Habitats and Communities, and they’ve proved to […]

Global warming in two pictures

Here are two pictures released by NASA.  The first shows the Arctic ice cap on September 14, 1984.  The second is September 14, 2012.  Will there be any ice on September 14, 2022?              

Ecosystem Study at Blair Today

With all the rain we’ve had recently, Blair Creek was running a little high to do the planned stream study today. So we did an ecology hike, covering much of the Blair property. Noelle, a grade 7 student at Lester B. Pearson P.S. wrote the following piece about a few of the things we encountered. […]

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