Old magazine ad

“100 years from now, people will not understand the things we brag about today.”  Discuss.

After the Rain…

My weather station at the Blair OEEC recorded a total of fifty-four millimeters of rain during the storm  earlier this week.  54!!  Five and a half centimeters.  That’s a lotta rain. 48 hours later the Grand River is still in flood as it drains such a huge watershed.  At Doon, just upstream from Blair, the […]

Compass Craze

On Tuesday, November 22nd the students in Gill-Ville from Ryerson P.S. enjoyed a great morning at the Blair Outdoor Ed Centre.  In addition to checking out the cool creatures, we spent some time talking about migration, climate change, and endangered species. This was special for us because we are learning about the issues polar bears […]

Rain, Rain, Go Away…

It’s a miserable, soaker of a day today that has caused the postponement of visits to Blair by two Grade 1 classes.  But as we grumble and complain and try to skirt the puddles, there is nowhere to hide for our feathered friends.  Some birds will wait out the worst of the weather in the […]

Fleece Vest

Fleece Vest                                                     Today I bought a new fleece vest                                                    The vest was made in Bangladesh                                                                      ___________   Fleece is made from plastic And plastic comes from oil Oil comes from sludge that lies Beneath Alberta soil                                                                                                               Bangladesh is a country                                                                                                               Four thousand miles away                                                                                                               Bangladeshis make about                                                                                                               Two dollars every day […]

Bird Species 110!!!! for 2011

It did not take long for the 110th species to find its way to the Env. Ed. Centre property. Each day last week I heard the call notes of the White-winged Crossbills as they flew back and forth over the forest in search of conifers. This year the Eastern Hemlocks and White Spruce have an […]

A few interesting sightings…

Yesterday was just a spectacular day on many levels. Classes from Lackner Woods P.S. were out studying the habitats on the property. Besides the beautiful weather, the day was made even more special by all of the sightings and sounds we experienced. Just before the arrival of the bus I was treated to a fly-over […]

The Last of Its Kind???

Just before the arrival of the afternoon class (and the rain) I was gazing above the meadow watching a Red-tailed Hawk drifting towards the east, when a tiny colourful speck caught my eye.  I quickly looked at my wrist-watch to confirm the date – November 9th.  Lifting my head back up, I relocated it.   […]

Winter Finch Forecast for 2011-2012

Each year, information from many sources is compiled and posted online by Ron Pittaway, a well-known and well-respected ornithologist. I enjoy reading to see which irruptive species might be visiting the local area and which ones are remaining up in the north – all a result of food availability. I had read the forecast when […]

Another Bald Eagle

On Friday morning I arrived a little earlier than normal. I was setting up for the class and as I was walking around I was enjoying the colours of the rising sun on the frost. I was standing about 15m from the edge of the forest, with my back to it. I heard a ‘fffff’ […]

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