Nature walk April 21 2011

St.Andrews user Aaron Today was a great day. Our nature walk was nice but uneventful. Spring is really cold this year and the animals have not yet come out.

Nature Walk Anuj, Kristyn

The 48 kids got split into 2 groups. There was group 1, and group 2. Group one first went for a nature walk, and group two went tracking with some GPSs. Fun fun fun. There were tons of cool stuff on our little hike. We saw a fox or  coyote den. We also saw a […]

A Very Cold Duck

By Meganne, Elizabeth, Deanna, Rhiannon. Doon P.S Today, we went on a hike. Amoung the many cool things we saw the coolest (and likely coldest) was this duck. :’-(

J.F Carmicheal School

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It was super cold outside! We went hiking first. We saw a bunch of birds including the black eyed junko,american crow,and field sparrow!!!!!!! Damhnait was hogging the ipod, and playing games on it, and not paying attention. Our camera was working good at first, but after that the battery ran out. After the very […]

fun day!!

when on nature hike and saw many traces of beavers! we saw a couple of beaver dams, many trees that have been chewed down and some that have been half chewed through the middle!!! we saw many birds and heard their many sounds and chirps!!! all in all good day!! JN linwood

The Hike

Students: Silvia and Kimia from W.P.S. The trees towering above us in the forest show all kinds of signes of life. But the one that caught our attention the most was a tree that was covered in holes created by wood peckers. they were made by the Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker, Hairy Pecker, and the […]

Today’s the BIG day…

April 21, Earth Day Green Team challenge is here. The first students just arrived – we’ll have a full house of 48 by the time everyone gets here. We’ll be doing some traditional outdoor/environemtal education kinds of learning and activities mixed with social networking tools to communicate our activities. Warning to “outdooredguys” subscribers: be prepared […]

Quiz – Just for the Fun of it!

The below species has been on the property for a week already, and most of them are just stopping by on their way further north. Last year I enjoyed a beautiful Saturday photographing two individuals, including this striking male. Can anyone name this species?

Insects Become Active

There have been insects active for 5 weeks now, but the midge and other flies are often overlooked. And although moths and fireflies were found around the sap pails since the start of April, it is the butterflies that draw our attention. I assume that some butterflies were active on Saturday when the temperature rose […]

How to End Syrup Season

Blogger Laura writes, “Maple Syrup time is a time to eat as much maple syrup as you can.  This year I thought I would try something new.  A long time ago, I saw a maple cheesecake in a magazine.  I didn’t save the recipe, so I thought I would add to my favourite cheesecake recipe […]

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