Symbols in Francophone Culture

Today we are going to explore the symbols in Francophone Culture.

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A List Poem

List poems are just that – a list! The list poem can be funny, or serious. It can rhyme, but it doesn’t have to.

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Writing a List Poem

We will take one idea and list words and phrases that describe the idea and then use these to write a List Poem.

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L’art des peuples autochtones

L’art a toujours fait partie intégrante de l’expression et de la préservation de la culture dans les communautés autochtones.

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Expository Writing (Persuasive Writing)

All writing that is not poetry is prose. Prose is writing that is made of sentences and paragraphs. And poetry is made up of lines and stanzas.

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Wondrous Wednesday: Nature and Well-being

When we spend time outdoors, we are more mindful of what we see, what we hear, what we smell, and what we feel.

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How Many Triangles?

How many triangles can you make using “sticks” that are 3cm, 4cm and 5cm long?

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Game of Hex

The goal of the game of Hex is for each player to make an unbroken chain with their own pieces connecting the two opposite sides of the board marked with their colour.

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Fraction Number Search Three

Discuss the image – what fractions do you see represented?

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Workout Wednesday with Twenty Online

Kids have a lot of energy to burn and today’s workout will help. It is a fun, aerobic activity to help keep our heart, lungs, and blood vessels healthy.

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