

  • generate and organize ideas to write a Six Word Memoir

The Learning Task

Ernest Hemingway is an acclaimed and beloved American writer (who once was a columnist for the Toronto Star!) known for his concise and straightforward writing.

Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

Your turn! View Mr. Francis’s Grade 8 Class: Six Word Memoirs as inspiration for your thinking about writing your own Six Word Memoir. Then write your own Six Word Memoir.

To consider when writing a Six Word Memoir:

  • a memoir is personal-make the writing about you
  • begin by ‘Writing off the Page’ to brainstorm the best words
  • place six words in the best order-rearrange to determine the best word order
  • revise!

How might you enhance your Six Word Memoir with drawings or images?

Daily task! Don’t forget to engage with your Writer’s Notebook: Creating a Place for Reflection

Note: please see the information in this lesson for guidance.