

  • continue with the drafting phase of the writing cycle
  • revise a draft piece of writing to include a variety of sentence types

The Learning Task

You have taken part in lessons that spark your ideas for writing with literacy prompts that focused on generating topics that you can return to for writing inspiration (heart maps, hands, life map, awesome ideas) and genres of writing (personal memoir, informational writing, persuasive writing, procedural writing, poetry, fiction). And, you were asked to complete a draft piece of writing on a topic of your choice.

Reread your draft piece of writing and ‘level up’ your sentences to include variation in terms of length and type. Varying your sentences makes your writing more interesting.


Long, medium, short. A purposeful mix of all three works well. Short sentences produce emphasis and can heighten tension in your writing.

Types of sentences:

  • declarative
    • states information
  • exclamatory
    • ends with ‘!’
  • imperative
    • tells the reader to do or not do something
  • interrogative
    • asks a question

Daily task! Don’t forget to engage with your Writer’s Notebook: Creating a Place for Reflection

Note: please see the information in this lesson for guidance.