

  • review parts of speech
  • reflect on and revise personal writing

The Learning Task

Did you know that a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope? A group of fish is a school of fish. And when we see a group of geese it is a gaggle of geese?

A noun is a person, place or thing, like a goose. A plural noun means more than one, like geese; and, a collective noun, a gaggle of geese means many geese.

In what way do specific word choices enhance your writing? For example, “The dog jumped” is replaced with “The dalmation jumped”. How much more vivid is the image in your head when you read the second example sentence?

Your turn!

Return to a draft piece of writing and substitute nouns that are more specific and descriptive. If you are interested you might want to continue to read about other examples of collective animal nouns in the link provided.

Daily task! Don’t forget to engage with your Writer’s Notebook: Creating a Place for Reflection

Note: please see the information in this lesson for guidance.