- paper
- pencil
- a few small household objects (e.g., coins, game pieces, stones, etc.)
Getting Groceries
This is how Lena drives to the grocery store:
She starts at her driveway.
She turns left and drives a little bit to the park.
She makes a right turn.
She drives a long way to the library.
The road curves a bit to the left.
She drives a little farther to the grocery store.
She turns left and parks the car.
Make a map to show how Lena gets to the grocery store. Use different objects to show her house, the park, the library, and the grocery store. Draw a line that shows the path she took.
My New Neighbourhood
You have been chosen to design a new neighbourhood. Your neighbourhood must include:
- streets
- a park
- a library
- places to live
- a school
- Other things you would like
Draw a map that includes pictures of the different places in your neighbourhood.
Find the 2 places that are the farthest apart on your map.
Give directions for how to get from one place to the other.
Categories: Elementary