a pocket watchInvestigations

Estimation helps students use logic and reasoning in problem-solving situations with numbers and helps to judge how appropriate an answer is.


  • copy of the chart below, (just draw your own if you don’t have a printer)
  • Pencil or pen
  • Something to keep track of time with (clock, watch, stopwatch or virtual stopwatch)


  1. Have your child choose an activity from the chart.
  2. Have your child estimate how long it will take to complete the
    chosen activity.
  3. Use a clock, watch, or stopwatch to time how long it actually
  4. Switch roles; now you can do the task while your child keeps
    track of the time.
  5. Complete the other activities from the chart or make
    up your own activities.
Activity Estimated Time Actual Time
Brush My Teeth
Make My Bed
Set The Table
Wash My Hands

Let’s Talk About It

  • How close were your estimates to the actual times to do the activity?
  • Were some activities more difficult to estimate? Why?
  • What strategy did you use to estimate?

(adapted from mathies.ca)