Silhouette of a woman standing in a dance pose. Her legs are spread in a V, her right arm is reaching up, and her left arm is close to her body. Her head is looking down to the left and she has a big curly ponytail.Boost Mood

Did you know that dancing has numerous mood and mind benefits? Get your groove on today and find a favourite song or two that you can dance to. Find someone in your home that you can play freeze dance with and try some new moves! If no one is available to dance with you in your home, or if you want to increase the number of people to play with, try connecting with a friend on video chat and invite them to dance along!

Freeze Dance Instructions

  • Turn on your favourite song and start dancing.
  • One person stops the music mid-song.
  • When the music stops, each person dancing must freeze in the position they are in and hold that position. See if you can stay like that for a whole minute!
  • Resume playing when the music starts again.

Variations to the Game

  • Freeze in different positions (e.g., like an animal, a letter of the alphabet, etc.)
  • Dance differently (e.g., hop like a frog, ballroom dance, etc.)

Have fun!