Makerspace: Design a Floating Device

Have you ever tossed small rocks into a pond, played with toys in a bathtub or a sink, or watched boats float by on the water? Why do some things float and others sink?

Breaking News: Be a Reporter!

Spending time in nature and being creative can contribute to a person’s overall health and well-being. When we spend time outdoors, we are more mindful of what we see, what we hear, what we smell, and what we feel.

Maker Monday: BeYOUtiful Butterflies

Pride Month begins today! To celebrate the freedom to be yourself, you can make a beYOUtiful chimera butterfly.

Figure It Out Friday: Marble Run

Tinkering develops confidence, persistence, and resourcefulness in kids. Plus, it’s a whole lot of fun!

Tap into Your Talent Tuesday

Did you know that pretend play supports various developmental skills in children and promotes empathy and creativity? Let’s unlock some hidden talents today and give a try at making hand shadow puppets!

Window Wednesday: Into the Future

Just as focusing on the present moment can improve well-being, thinking about the future can also improve our psychological well-being and help us to make better decisions.

Tap into Your Talent Tuesday

Learning something new is good for our minds, bodies, and overall well-being. How do you know you’re not good at something unless you’ve tried?

Maker Monday: Food Art

Children thrive when they make art!

Thrifty Thursday: Puzzle Time

It’s Earth Week so it’s time to get creative by making a puzzle with recycled materials that can be found in your home.

Window Wednesday: Imaginary World

There's actually a substantial amount of research connecting daydreaming in children with creativity, healthy social adjustment, and good school performance.

Window Wednesday: Inspirational Poster

Positive messages bring people happiness, joy and hope.

Maker Monday: Creating With Rocks

What can you make today? Go outside, get some fresh air and look for the perfect rock or two, or three, or more!