Photograph of a sticker in an Andy Warhol style on a utility box.In the 1950’s Andy Warhol began using everyday objects with simple forms in his artwork. By repeating the same drawing in different colours he was making a statement about mass production and consumerism. (this means to buy many things even if you don’t really need them)

Think about what you have at home that you might like to draw. Choose something from your pantry, like a soup can, cereal box, cracker box, peanut butter jar or anything that catches your attention.

Things you will need:

  • the object from your pantry
  • a sheet of paper
  • a pencil for drawing
  • Markers, pencil crayons or paints

Draw your object multiple times on the paper. Be sure to draw the same thing each time.

Colour each item with a different set of colours. Be creative and have fun!