Generating Ideas

Sometimes ideas can be turned into a puzzle for others to solve by choosing the very best ideas and words.

A new idea found me as I watched my dog in the backyard. Here are some ideas about my dog that found me as I watched her:

wagging tail
chipmunk chasing
barking catching balls
drinking water
furry body
Wet nose

I decided to choose the very best words and ideas about my dog to write a “What am I?” riddle.

Wet nose on my hand
Catching balls in the air
Wagging tail before chasing a chipmunk
Who am I?
(answer: a dog)


Help your child to brainstorm some ideas and words that refer to a person, place or thing. Choosing the very best ideas (that don’t give the answer away too easily!) encourage your child to write and a test out their riddle with another family member or friend. This can turn into a fun game to play together by taking turns creating and telling the riddles!