Gathering and Collecting Ideas

Writers don’t just collect ideas! They use those ideas when they have something to say to a particular audience.

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Together with your child, look back at all of the ideas your child has been collecting. Is there a topic or idea that really “catches” them right now?

Help your child to choose one of their ideas to turn into a piece of writing.

  • What do they want to say about the topic or idea?
  • Who do they think would want to hear what they have to say?

Encourage your child to write something! Will they write a story for a sibling? Will they write a newspaper article or a blog post to tell family members they can’t see right now about what is going on at your house? Perhaps they will write a book recommendation to send to a family member or friend about one of the books they have read or one they have listened to at WRDSB@Home. Maybe they will write a FAQ Information sheet about their favourite animals (e.g., Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Kangaroos)

Have fun celebrating being an author!