Busy Bees

At the Laurel Creek Outdoor Ed. Centre, we had a swarm of bees move into a wall on our deck. We tried to be tricky and coax them out, but after a few weeks, decided that a more direct approach was best.   After opening the wall, we found quite a large hive, with perhaps 15,000 […]

Outdoor and Environmental Education

 The Waterloo Region District School Board runs five day-use Outdoor and Environmental Education (OEE) Centres.  Each year we provide immersive, contextual and authentic opportunities to learn about nature and the environment to over 1,000 classes from Grades 1-12.  For over fifty years OEE has been at the forefront of environmental education in Waterloo Region. […]

Grade 4-6 Orienteering

In this program students will use a series of maps to find their ways around the Laurel Creek classroom, nature centre, and property. Attention will be paid to using a legend and finding landmarks. Notes for teachers: This program is often scheduled for November/December/April when conditions can be cold/wet/windy. Students should wear warm clothing and […]

Grade 7 Fur Trade

This program examines the fur trade as an economic interaction between cultures. Students participate in a simulation that highlights the competition between the British Hudson Bay Company and the predominantly French Northwest Trading Company. The relationship between European settlers and First Nation peoples is also explored.In the morning we will play out a fur trading […]

Grade 5 Structures

Given a tarp and ropes, students will work in groups in the forest to construct a shelter that is large enough for their group to sit in. Students will sit in their structure for ten minutes with a thermometer and measure temperature. After ten minutes, the class will tour as a group and each structure […]

Grade 8 Urban Planning

Given a map on which to plan a new community for 100 000 people, students are challenged to allocate space for housing, industry, commerce, farming, and the environment. Different models of land use are presented, and students need to decide which plans reflect their vision of a successful community. Notes for teachers:The program will give […]

Grade 7 Aquatic Interactions and Survival Simulation

This is a full-day program that will combine a visit to our pond or stream, with the “Instincts for Survival” Simulation. Most grade seven students will visit the stream as part of this program. We will measure the temperature, depth, and rate of flow of Laurel Creek, and catch some of the animals that live […]

Grade 5 Climate Change

Students will be introduced to four different speakers (all me) who will give their opinions on climate change. The speakers will guide the students to make notes in a booklet to support their positions. Students will have the opportunity to question the speakers, and challenge them on what is being said. Some of the program […]

Grade 4 Winter Birds

Students will be introduced to birds and the adaptations that allow them to survive in different habitats. We will go for a hike with binoculars and find as many birds as we can that overwinter in our area. We will post our sightings on www.ebird.org. Students will also have the opportunity to feed chickadees by […]

Grade 4 Honeybees

Students will begin by viewing an in-class Powerpoint presentation on honeybees. After the slideshow, half of the class will visit our beehives, and half will play a bee game. Then we will switch. We will finish the program by tasting some of the honey our bees have made. Notes for teachers: If you could have the class divided […]

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