College Apprenticeship Preparation Program

The course pairs under CAPP have been selected in consultation with industry and employers as appropriate foundational courses, and are considered preparatory to pursuing an apprenticeship or related post-secondary program.  CAPP, therefore, is intended for students who want an opportunity to experience college “Trade School” and get a taste of post-secondary curriculum, without having to have a Registered Training Agreement with an employer.

To be successful, students should have some experience in their area of interest.  This experience can be from technology classes or COOP at school, from their work experiences, or their hobbies. In all cases, students in CAPP should have a clear focus on pursuing the trade.

The main difference between CAPP and Level 1 has to do with preparation and experience (see Level 1 OYAP for more details).


Automotive Service Technician

Carpentry (Not running)

Truck & Coach
